The three friends of winter

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A symbol of steadfastness, perseverance, and resilience in Chinese brush painting.

I’ve been learning Chinese brush painting since I got back from my first trip to China. There is a very emotional and spiritual story behind, long story short, I hiked up to the temple of Guanyin and after having a chat with her she gifted me with a long lost inspiration to grab my brush and create something. That journey also inspired me to take photography onto another level, so I thought it was time to combine my passion for both arts into one creative project to pay my gratitude to the Goddess who gave me this very precious gift. Here’s the first image of the series, “The three friends of winter” which is representing steadfastness, perseverance, and resilience in Chinese brush painting.

Model: Anneke    Instagram: @anneke.grace
Photography, hanfu costume, makeup: Nora Hamucska Instagram: @norahamucska


Mermaid Jade

Once upon a time, a young lady woke up crazy early in the morning. It was a mild late-winter day, the snow just stopped falling, so she grabbed her camera and went for a stroll into the woods in the north to sip some fresh air into her ever sleepy head… and to meet the coolest, bravest mermaid in the world, the beautiful Jade. 🙂

Model: Mermaid Jade –
Jewellery: Tangled Web Jewellery –
Photography: Nora Hamucska –

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Bella Diemond

I’ve been planning to have a photoshoot at one of my favourite hidden places in London for a long time. When I learnt that Bella Diemond is visiting the city and she’s open for collaborations, I sent her a message immediately. Only a few minutes before we started, the famous British weather blessed us with a light rain. But we love rain for dark London themes, don’t we? Mimma’s beauty and lovely personality just shined through every single raindrops.Continue Reading

Re-creating a famous image – Alphonse Mucha: The Moon

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It's not easy to find the perfect model when you have a certain image in your head. Even if you find someone who meets your "visual requirements", there's still a chance that they simply can't bring the character to life. No offense, just a fact.

As I started a new life in another country a few years ago and I'm pretty bad in connecting people, I hardly meet any potential models. 🙁 Which is quite frustrating when you have so much in your head, but if you keep on believing in your mission, your prayers might be answered - sooner or later, haha . And she came.

Here's the first image of our second photoshoot which happened on the same day as the Madame Renarde series. I've always been fascinated by the glorious women on Alfonse Mucha's paintings. They're so powerfully inspiring, I believe that every lady has an idol among them. One of my favourite is this piece of The Moon and the Stars series.

It was Mother's day, so my first thing in the morning was running to Tesco and grab 2 huge bouquets of chrysanthemum. So yes, her "tiara" was made of real flowers. ^_^ We spent a great afternoon together. <3

Further pictures coming soon.