I have always been “gifted” with the ability to recall my dreams. Those visions are clearly there in my mind. Beautiful, bad, peaceful, disturbing, vivid or dark… whatever. I’ve been thinking a lot how to depict them. Since I’m not good enough in painting or drawing, I’m trying to find a way through something else. So far, infrared photography seems to be the right step forward to reach my goal. 🙂 (Continue reading to see the gallery.)
I told my husband about a recent nightmare of mine which – in my opinion – could be brought to life via IR techniques. Soon, he surprised me with a Cokin compatible IR filter. I tried it immediately by the river.
Personally, I love the results, and – despite the difficulties and time it consumes – I really enjoyed this new experience.
I was so happy and enthusiastic that I started searching for tips how I could improve my images. I found that the best pictures were taken with IR converted cameras. But I can’t afford a new camera and I don’t want to sacrifice my DSLR. 😛 Somehow I got the idea to have a look at my old compact (Fuji FinePix E510) thought to be dead for ages. Gave it a try with new batteries and for my biggest surprise I managed to revive it so I could finally see the light at the end of the tunnel! With the help of my husband and Youtube tutorials, I converted it yesterday and tested on this sunny morning. Voilá!