Every year I spend a few days in Scotland on my own – will tell a bit more about this in my next post. This May, I decided to visit a place where there is a high chance to see some puffins.
My first plan was flying up to the very north of Scotland and do some of the NC500 route but then I came across a picture of a puffin and I was desperate to see them. I quickly looked up the most suitable options for my budget and was fortunate enough to find a ridiculously cheap overnight bus to Glasgow and matching train tickets to Oban, also, quite a few boat-trip options to see those cute birds nearby. Nearby means another hour on the ferry and another (or a bit more) on a bus across Mull to Tobermory and then another (or a bit more) on a boat until you can finally spot some frightened puffins trying to get out of the way by clumsily flapping their cute little wings and then at last, land on the beautiful isle of Lunga to spend the most amazing 2 hours of your life with these lovely creatures, yay!
Puffins are cute, indeed, they are so sweet that you just want to stay on the island and observe them forever. “Tammie norries is unalike mony craiturs” – well, if you want to find out more about them, I warmly recommend to look up some Scottish literature just to add a bit more fun to your experience. Haha.
And a little bonus for my fellow Hungarians: